
Showing posts from July, 2015

Successful, Smart, Good, or Happy?

For many years, Dennis Prager of Prager University has encouraged parents to ask their kids (of any age) this question: "Which of these do you think we, your parents, most want for you to be: successful, smart, good, or happy?" As a parent, looking at that list, the one that immediately jumps out at me is "good".  Of course I want the other things for my kids, but far above the those things is my desire that my children grow up to be good people.  Moral people.  People who seek after God and desire to live righteously more than riches, intelligence, success, happiness, etc. So I asked my four oldest children this question.  There responses were as follows: Angel (10yo): Successful Tony (9yo): Successful Harmony (6yo): Happy, then Good Charity (5yo): Good, then Happy This was a good eye opener for me.  I realized through this that I tend to emphasize successful thinking and behavior because I know that so many people find these things elusive and I w...