
Showing posts from August, 2015

An Online Presence for the Alleged SIXHIRB

Talk show host Dennis Prager coined the term SIXHIRB to describe a common American liberal argument.  To quote Dennis himself: ...[N]early all Democratic and leftist reactions to conservatives and Republicans are to avoid argument ...and smear them as SIXHIRB, my acronym for “Sexist, Intolerant, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Bigoted.” It is almost impossible to come up with the name of a leading conservative whom the dominant media have not dismissed as one or more of SIXHIRB — and usually as a buffoon as well. This obviously serves the left and the Democratic Party in many ways. But the most important is to keep non-leftists in fear of anyone who opposes the left. In effect, the left says, and has been saying for a hundred years, “You may not agree with us, but our opponents are evil.” As a conservative myself, I am called these things on a regular basis when I post online.  I like having an online presence, but admittedly, it is a hostile environment for...