
Showing posts from June, 2016

DeerAngel: What SHOULD the Government Do?


The Toughest Week of My Life

The middle of last month (May 2016) gave me the most challenging week I have ever experienced.  I was faced with a forced business decision where I could either make the popular choice or what I believed (and still believe) to be the principled choice, the latter of which would lend myself to backlash from dozens of people. My pastor told me that because I do business in the arts, I would be confronted with decisions such as these earlier than most, but that these things "are coming for all of us here in the church."  Ironically, those who profess tolerance often show absolute intolerance for those of us who hold to conservative values. This spread through the Kansas City theater so fast, and libelous statements were made about me by some who I had trusted for years and had even been on my payroll.  And all of this was not because I changed anything about who I am or the way I had presented myself for years.  It was all because my open, outspoken, unchanged beliefs were f