
Showing posts from December, 2017

Baby Symphony Has Arrived!

2017 started with a flurry of emotions as we endured our first miscarriage.  But I must admit something: that experience has given me--and I think the rest of my family too--a much stronger sense of appreciation for the special gift of creating a child. Our new baby Symphony Joy was born on November 27th, and she appears healthy and happy.  And once again, I get to see the extraordinary talent that my wife has for caring for infants.  Christine is just so wonderful at loving on the baby and keeping her on a consistent schedule. I was overwhelmed with emotions on the day Symphony was born--even more than the day my first child was born.  I just felt so grateful that she was healthy.  For whatever reason, there was even some surprise mixed in there.  I don't exactly know why I thought something might go wrong, but I definitely didn't take for granted that everything would be fine. I felt similarly when we performed our musical Rhythm City for the first time on stage.  W