Presidential Election Time
In three weeks from today, the country will have elected its next President - either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. As a Constitutional conservative, this election is the most discouraging one I've ever been a part of. I paid attention to political pundits and news stories all throughout the primaries and the general election season, and I wanted so much to root for a principled conservative. Instead, the choices are for two lifelong Democrats. On one side, Hillary Clinton has been caught in dozens of provable lies involving our national security, and she has used the her position as Secretary of State to accept bribes (through the Clinton Foundation and speaking engagements) for political favors from enemies of the United States. On the other side, Donald Trump is a Democrat running as a Republican, and I feel he has hijacked our party. He has given more money to Democrats than Republicans his whole life and has always seen the world through the eyes of a pro-...