
Showing posts from November, 2016

Post Election Thoughts about Trump's America

The last time I made a blog post, it was three weeks before the November 8 election.  Now it's nearly 3 weeks after the election is over, and to almost everyone's surprise, Donald Trump won and will be our next President. I didn't vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump (though I did vote down-ballot for conservative republicans including Kevin Yoder for congress).  I explained my reasons in my last blog post , so i won't repeat them here. However, as the voting results came in for each state, and we saw more and more of them turning Red (victories for Trump), I couldn't help but feel I was on the winning side of all this.  I am still apprehensive about President Trump, but I am so pleased that Republicans have regained control of the House and Senate, and I truly believe that the country will be a better place in 4 years than it is today. I am still concerned that Trump will only last 4 years and then we'll have another Democrat in the office, but...

School Choice? Great Choice! (DeerAngel)
