So Much Trouble Over a Broken Finger?

On May 15th of this year, I started practice to be on my company's Flag Football team for Corporate Challenge. As soon as the practice began, I started tossing the ball back and forth with one of my would-be teammates. About 5 minutes into this little game of catch, I broke the index finger on my left hand. Now, four months later, I've had over a dozen doctor/physical therapy appointments in an effort to treat this finger. I've been doing painful physical therapy exercises at least four times per day. Until recently, I saw very little progress. I simply could not bend my finger past 60 degrees (110 is degrees is normal for making a fist)--and I could only even get that far after intense physical therapy. When i wasn't continually working it, the finger would stiffen right back up again. It was like that finger was in a constant relaxed hook position. Then a week ago, I underwent surgery. (Sorry for the disgusting pic--I hope it didn't...