So Much Trouble Over a Broken Finger?
On May 15th of this year, I started practice to be on my company's Flag Football team for Corporate Challenge. As soon as the practice began, I started tossing the ball back and forth with one of my would-be teammates. About 5 minutes into this little game of catch, I broke the index finger on my left hand.
Now, four months later, I've had over a dozen doctor/physical therapy appointments in an effort to treat this finger. I've been doing painful physical therapy exercises at least four times per day.
Until recently, I saw very little progress. I simply could not bend my finger past 60 degrees (110 is degrees is normal for making a fist)--and I could only even get that far after intense physical therapy. When i wasn't continually working it, the finger would stiffen right back up again. It was like that finger was in a constant relaxed hook position.

Then a week ago, I underwent surgery. (Sorry for the disgusting pic--I hope it didn't make you barf) The doctor cleared away a bunch of scar tissue inside my finger so that, under anesthesia, he was able to bend it and straighten it all the way.
Well, the recovery since the surgery has been difficult physically--more painful physical therapy and it's been increased to 10 times per day (every 90 minutes) instead of 4 times. But emotionally, it's been way better. I'm actually seeing some progress again! I touched my finger to my palm for the first time in four months. It's been great to see that.
All of this has been a very good reminder to me of how well the human body works most of the time. This poorly functioning finger has been a constant source of attention and agitation ever since the accident. But really, it probably represents less than 0.1% of all of the functions that my body has been doing in that time. A body that works 99.9% correctly is a body that gets serious medical attention and concern multiple times a day. It sure gives me a feeling of gratitude for the functions that have not gotten any of my attention in the last four months.
Now, four months later, I've had over a dozen doctor/physical therapy appointments in an effort to treat this finger. I've been doing painful physical therapy exercises at least four times per day.
Until recently, I saw very little progress. I simply could not bend my finger past 60 degrees (110 is degrees is normal for making a fist)--and I could only even get that far after intense physical therapy. When i wasn't continually working it, the finger would stiffen right back up again. It was like that finger was in a constant relaxed hook position.

Then a week ago, I underwent surgery. (Sorry for the disgusting pic--I hope it didn't make you barf) The doctor cleared away a bunch of scar tissue inside my finger so that, under anesthesia, he was able to bend it and straighten it all the way.
Well, the recovery since the surgery has been difficult physically--more painful physical therapy and it's been increased to 10 times per day (every 90 minutes) instead of 4 times. But emotionally, it's been way better. I'm actually seeing some progress again! I touched my finger to my palm for the first time in four months. It's been great to see that.
All of this has been a very good reminder to me of how well the human body works most of the time. This poorly functioning finger has been a constant source of attention and agitation ever since the accident. But really, it probably represents less than 0.1% of all of the functions that my body has been doing in that time. A body that works 99.9% correctly is a body that gets serious medical attention and concern multiple times a day. It sure gives me a feeling of gratitude for the functions that have not gotten any of my attention in the last four months.
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