Life Much Easier

After enduring the very trying experience of mid May this year (see my June 5 blog post), I determined to be more of a family man and less driven by outside pursuits.  I have been living a less busy life and spending a lot more time with the kids.

Admittedly, I've also been spending more time playing video games (usually with them), and it gets surprising how fast the time can fly by while engaged in mindless activities like that.

A recent example is that Tony and I discovered we both enjoy playing Pikmin 3 on the Wii U together and working toward personal record speed run times.  I bought a game capture device so that we can record our games and upload them to a site that collects speed run data on various games.  We don't have any delusions of being truly outstanding in challenges like this, but the act of creating the speed runs, I hope, will be a fun bonding experience for us and hopefully teach him a bit about video editing, commentary and confidence.  It's also quite possible that he will try it a couple times and then lose interest in it.  I guess we'll just have to see.

I have long been an upbeat kind of person with a lot to be thankful for.  I imagine I would be grateful under a wide variety of circumstances.  That said, however, I still find myself with so many specific things to be thankful to God for that it is overwhelming.  I feel like my children are some of the most delightful people I've ever met, and I am so honored to be their dad.  And what a blessing my wife is!  My goodness she's amazing!  As much as I sometimes feel a twinge of guilt for living in a way that feels kinda lazy (considering how much free time I now have from work and all the things I could--perhaps should--be doing with that free time), I also often just relax and take in the pleasure of living such a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I may not be able to give a good account for all of the ways I spent my blessed life, but for whatever it's worth, God knows I am truly grateful for it.


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