Learning Webpack with Angular 2

This is another technical post, so I recommend skipping it if you're not in a technical field...

Over the last week, I've been learning to implement Webpack at work.  I've got some mixed feelings about it, so I'm posting them here while they're still fresh in my mind.  Maybe in a few months'/years' time, i'll look back at this post in feel differently.

On the one hand, learning something new is almost always exciting, and I love that my job affords me the opportunity to grow like this.

On the other hand, I also get this nagging feeling like I could be so much more productive if I were doing something I'm already good at.

As for webpack itself, it's a very cool module bundler, and I'm quite impressed at the number of things it seems to be able to do automatically.  At the same time, however, the more things it "just does," the more it seems like magic, and the less control I seem to have with it.

Yesterday, for instance, I needed to do something super simple.  Needed to add a favicon to my app.  It took me like 2 hours to do this simple task because i couldn't understand what it was doing or why.  I am finding that sort of thing frequently with this kind of technology, and it can cause me to feel like i've accomplished little in the time i've spent.

As I've often said about new technology though: it makes the easy things hard and the hard things easy.  Overall, it's probably a worthwhile tradeoff.


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