Board Game Retreat

About two years ago (February 7, 2016), on the day of the Super Bowl, my brother Davey (who lives in Iowa) and I decided on a whim to meet up together, watch the Super Bowl and play some board games.  We chose a city that was halfway between the two of us, and we went to a comfortable motel for all of our gaming.  It was such a fun day.  One of the most enjoyable Super Bowl days I've ever experienced.

On most of the way home, he and I talked on the phone and brainstormed about how we might improve on this experience and spread it to many of our other friends.  That's when we developed the idea of a Guys' Board Game Retreat.

We invited many guys in our circle of influence to drive down to Bethany and hang out for a day and a half of board games.  Everyone pays a small fee, and we use that to cover bedrooms, game room, meals, gas, and lots of delicious snacks.  We have done 4 of these board game retreats (with a 5th one coming up next month), and they are so much fun.  We plan to keep doing these about 2 or 3 times per year as they're something we greatly look forward to.

We also created a website for it:

The first time I mentioned the website to a friend of mine, he said "So are you programmer types just too good to use Facebook Pages like the rest of us?"  It cracked me up because honestly, the thought had not even crossed either of our minds. 😁


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