Writing Volume 2

I started working on Volume 2 of my Code for Teens series!  This time, I'm making it a point to write at least half a page every time I get on the bus to or from work and also write several pages every weekend.

At times I wonder if all of this will be worth the time and effort.  I very well may end up losing money on this book.  I hope to sell enough copies to at least get my financial investment back, but there are no guarantees.  Volume 1 has been extremely well-received among people who've read it, but it's been a real challenge to get noticed.  Volume 2 adds some additional time pressure with it as I'm trying to have everything completed in time to take both books to the two large education conventions this year.

One of the things that keeps me going, however, is knowing that my life is composed of all the things I do with it.  I may lose money on the book.  I may have been financially better off not writing a book at all.  But at the end of my life, will I be more proud of having taken a chance and written a book even if it failed?  I'm pretty sure I will.

At the end of Volume 1, I left my readers with an expectation that there would be a second book to build on the foundations that were laid.  So far, I think Volume 2 is turning out to be at least as good as the first, and this is exciting for me.  It's a lot of pressure, but I've learned that this style of writing is something I am genuinely good at.  And I'm proud to have made my best effort in this adventure.


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