Searching for Unhappiness

Have you ever felt that your life was too good?  Too easy?  Too much fun?  Too many things to be grateful for and not enough conflict?

That's me sometimes.

In some sense, that's me right now.

I listened to a podcast today that raised some serious doubts in my mind about the likelihood that our country would remain mostly free--as i feel it is right now.  This made me sad to think about. 

But I also found myself faced with the realization that this is not really my burden to carry anymore than the plight of billions of less-free people all over the world is my personal burden to carry. 

My life is so unbelievably good right now, that at times I feel guilty about it all.  Should I just enjoy my life or do I owe a debt of misery or something in solidarity with all the people who are truly hurting right now?

I'm not really sure what good that does though.  Things are great where I live.  My family, my job, my health... it's all wonderful.  I'm so grateful for it.

Is it okay to just love my life in spite of the pain others are feeling?  Or is that selfish and uncaring?

I'm really not sure.


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